Friday 22 March 2013

Information on Other Infrared Telescopes

Other Infrared Telescopes:
There are famous Infrared Telescopes out there that have led to many discoveries. Spitzer and W.M Keck are both Infrared Telescopes that have led to discoveries (1,2). There are other telescopes, such as the telescope that is currently being made, the James Webb Space Telescope (J.W.S.T). This telescope is being made to study infrared light and is the scientific successor to the Hubble Space Telescope and the Spitzer Space Telescope. This telescope will be able to see older stars and older galaxies. This is because of its mirrors. Its mirrors are 2 to 3 times larger than the mirrors on Hubble. The Canadian Space Agency (CSA) has contributes a significant amount to the James Webb Telescopes development, such as the Fine Guidance Sensor (3)

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